
Looking back: Developing Central and Eastern Europe


作者:Yunzhe Chen




Yunzhe Chen

Yunzhe Chen, Vice President of the Eurasian ResearchInstitute of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Director and Professor of the Central and Eastern EuropeanResearch Center, Special Researcher of the Central ResearchCenter of the Communist Youth League for the TheoreticalSystem of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, Member ofthe Steering Committee of the Central Committee of theCommunist Youth League for International Youth Studies, andSpecial Expert of the Local Fourteenth Five Year PlanCompilation Expert Group of the Central Cyberspace Office;Member of Jiangsu Provincial Education Opening up ExpertSteering Committee, executive director of the CreativeEducation Branch of China Education Equipment IndustryAssociation, distinguished professor of the Innovation andDevelopment Center for Ideological Work in Colleges andUniversities (South China University of Technology) of theMinistry of Education, distinguished researcher of the OceaniaResearch Center of Sun Yat-sen University, the country researchbase of the Ministry of Education, and distinguished professorof the the Belt and Road Research Institute of Jiangsu NormalUniversity, a key think tank of Jiangsu Province. Before and after that, it was approved to preside over 10provincial and ministerial level projects, 3 projects speciallyfunded by the central finance, and 5 provincial and ministeriallevel projects, including the major projects of the NationalSocial Science Foundation, the Central Cyberspace Office, theMinistry of Education, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Beijing. He has published 4 monographs in Chinese and English, 4theoretical articles in the People's Daily (theoretical edition), 20papers in core journals at home and abroad, 20 books andchapters, and 21 suggestions on senior management.


Chapter 1. An Overview of Central and Eastern Europe Countries............ 1

Chapter 2. The Commonness and Characteristics of the Transformation of 

CEECs ...................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Several basic features in the transition of CEECs............................................................ 7

2.2 Reflections on the political transition of CEECs............................................................ 17

2.3 Some issues worthy of attention in the study of transition in Central and Eastern Eu￾rope .................................................................................................................................... 29

2.4 Characteristics and prospects of economic recovery in Central and Eastern Europe... 47

Chapter 3. EU’s Eastward Expansion and Its Influence............................ 52

3.1 The ruling experience and lessons of the Social Democratic Party in Central and East￾ern Europe after drastic changes........................................................................................ 53

3.2 Understanding the political transformation of CEECs: From the perspective of new 

populism............................................................................................................................. 64

3.3 Cultural identity and European integration: Taking the transformation of Central and 

Eastern Europe as an example ........................................................................................... 75

Chapter 4. Transformation and External Constraints of CEECs................ 87

4.1 Concept of transformation in CEECs............................................................................. 87

4.2 External constraints of CEECs’ transformation ............................................................. 90

4.3 Theoretical analysis of EU’s binding mechanism to CEECs......................................... 114

Chapter 5. Transition Process and Results of CEECs.............................. 154

5.1 The process and achievements of political and economic transition before the acces￾sion to the EU................................................................................................................... 155

5.2 The process and achievements of political and economic transition after accession to 

the EU............................................................................................................................... 162

5.3 Analysis of the EU bindings, taking the accession process of Poland, Czech Republic 

and Hungary as examples................................................................................................. 169

Chapter 6. Transition and Modernization of CEECs............................... 174

6.1 Modernization theory ................................................................................................ 174

6.2 Types of modernization and social development paths............................................. 179

6.3 Globalization, deglobalization and modernization..................................................... 185

Chapter 7. Cooperation between China, Central and Eastern Europe and 

the EU ................................................................................................. 191

7.1 Characteristics and trends of the development of China–Central and Eastern Europe 

relations............................................................................................................................ 192

7.2 Development of China–Central and Eastern Europe relations................................... 213

7.3 Characteristics and prospects of economic and trade relations between China and 

CEECs................................................................................................................................ 233

References .......................................................................................... 262