陈 艳,Yan Chen
目的:探究老年重症急性胰腺炎合并糖尿病患者的有效护理方案。方法:收集我院近三年收治的123例患者进行研究,将所有患者平均分为两组分别接受两种不同的护理模式(常规护理及全方位护理)。结束后通过调查了解各组患者的护理效果,以此评价两种护理模式。结果:全方位护理组患者经护理后SCL-90自评得分要明显优于常规组;全方位护理组患者在护理期间发生出血等不良并发症人数要明显少于常规组;全方位护理组患者的血糖相关指标均要明显优于常规组患者(P<0.05)。结论:老年重症急性胰腺炎合并糖尿病患者的病情危急,常规护理难以保证其治疗效果,为此需要对其开展全方位护理干预,才能有效改善患者的症状。 Objective: To explore the effective nursing scheme for elderly patients with severe acute pancreatitis complicated with diabetes.Methods:123 patients in our hospital in recent three years were collected and studied. All patients were divided into two groups and received two different nursing modes (routine nursing and all-round nursing).After the end of the investigation to understand the nursing effect of the patients in each group, so as to evaluate the two nursing modes.Results: The SCL-90 self-assessment score of the patients in the omni-directional nursing group was significantly better than that of the conventional group; the number of the patients in the omni-directional nursing group who had bleeding and other adverse complications during the nursing period was significantly lower than that of the conventional group; the blood glucose-related indexes of the patients in the omni-directional nursing group were significantly better than that of the conventional group (P <0.05).Conclusion: The elderly patients with severe acute pancreatitis combined with diabetes are in critical condition, so it is difficult to guarantee the therapeutic effect of routine nursing, so it is necessary to carry out all-round nursing intervention to improve the symptoms of patients effectively.
老年患者;急性胰腺炎;糖尿病 Elderly patients; acute pancreatitis; diabetes
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