李生卓,Shengzhuo Li
目的:在高血压的临床治疗阶段酌情加入中医治疗,研究最终结果,分析其成效。方法:从我院近年来收治的高血压患者中随机挑选158例参与实验,为确保有效性,可将其分为A、B两组,A组实施中成药治疗,B组采取中医治疗。同时,就资料表明,两组患者的基本信息差异甚微,且通常以半月为1疗程,3疗程左右便可取得显著疗效。结果:在治疗结束后,B组患者的各项评分都明显高于A组,尤其是在显效率方面,两组患者的数据差异具备统计学意义。结论:在高血压治疗过程中,利用有效途径,例如,中医治疗,可直接改善患疾,值得扩大应用范围。 Objective: To study the final result and analyze the effect of Chinese medicine treatment in the stage of clinical treatment of hypertension.Methods:158 hypertensive patients were randomly selected from our hospital in recent years. In order to ensure their effectiveness, they were divided into two groups: group A was treated with Chinese patent medicine and group B with traditional Chinese medicine.At the same time, according to the data, there is little difference in basic information between the two groups, and it is usually a half-month course of treatment, about 3 courses of treatment can achieve significant effect.Results: The scores of patients in group B were significantly higher than those in group A at the end of treatment, especially in the significant efficiency.Conclusion: In the course of treatment of hypertension, using effective ways, such as traditional Chinese medicine, can directly improve the disease, worth expanding the scope of application.
高血压;中医治疗;临床疗效;中成药 Hypertension; TCM treatment; clinical efficacy; Chinese patent medicine
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