徐星丽,Xingli Xu,瞿珍珍, Zhenzhen Qu
目前医学上对产后抑郁的具体发病原因暂无相对统一的认识,一般认为与生物学因素如妊娠期体内激素的分泌变化,心理社会因素如家庭关系,产妇机体因素如妊娠合并症以及产妇精神因素如过度敏感等都有一定的关系,与抑郁症的症状表现相似,产妇会表现出持续性的心情低落、思维迟缓、意志活动减弱、睡眠障碍、食欲减退等症状,严重时会出现自伤和自杀的行为,因此一旦发病需要立即接受治疗以尽可能改善产妇的预后,随着相关研究的深入和临床经验的积累,目前对产后抑郁的心理护理已经形成了相对完备的体系,本文主要就相关研究进展进行综述。 At present, there is no relatively uniform understanding of the specific causes of postpartum depression in medicine. It is generally believed that there is a certain relationship between biological factors such as hormone secretion changes in pregnancy, psychosocial factors such as family relations, body factors such as complications of pregnancy and mental factors such as over-sensitivity of parturient women. It is similar to the symptoms of depression. Parturient women will show persistent symptoms such as low mood, slow thinking, weakened will activity, sleep disturbance and loss of appetite. In serious cases, self-injury and suicide behavior will occur. Therefore, once the disease occurs, treatment shall be immediately accepted to improve the prognosis of parturient women as far as possible.With the deepening of relevant research and the accumulation of clinical experience, the psychological nursing of postpartum depression has formed a relatively complete system.
产后抑郁;心理护理;研究进展 Postpartum depression; psychological nursing; research progress
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