系统性心理护理对糖尿病患者负性情绪及生活质量的作用研究 Effect of Systematic Psychological Nursing on Negative Emotion and Quality of Life diabetic patients




黄彩虹,Caihong Huang
探究的目的是针对糖尿病人员开展系统性的心理护理,了解对其负性情绪和生活质量所造成的影响。采用的方法是随机抽取某医院所收治的糖尿病人员80例,最近将其分为护理组和常规组进行对比探究,护理组采取的是系统性心理护理,给予护理组这项护理干预,能够更好地将患者的积极乐观心态提高,能够更主动配合医院进行治疗,同时还能使患者身体一直处于健康稳定水平,同时还能将患者的生活质量水平提高。结论就是针对糖尿病人员开展系统性心理护理,能够有效降低患者的负面情绪,并且还能将其生活质量提高,其效果非常显著,值得广泛推广。 The purpose of this study is to provide systematic psychological care for diabetics and to understand the impact on their negative emotions and quality of life.The method is to randomly select 80 patients with diabetes admitted to a certain hospital. Recently, they are divided into nursing group and routine group for comparative study. The nursing group adopts systematic psychological nursing. Giving the nursing intervention to the nursing group can better improve the positive optimistic attitude of patients, and can actively cooperate with the hospital for treatment. At the same time, it can make the patients always in a healthy and stable level and improve the quality of life of patients.Conclusion Systematic psychological nursing for diabetic patients can effectively reduce their negative emotions and improve their quality of life, and its effect is very significant, which is worthy of extensive promotion.
系统性;心理护理;糖尿病;负面情绪;生活质量 Systemic; psychological care; diabetes; negative emotion; quality of life
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