刘利梅,Limei Liu
目的:本文主要对中重度银屑病患者延续护理需求的情况和影响因素进行了实验和研究。方法:本次研究采用了便利抽样法,选择了2020年12月到2021年2月在本院就诊的500名中重度银屑病患者作为研究目标展开问卷调查,并且分析患者的延续护理需求以及对患者康复的影响。结果:在调查研究中发现,有420位患者需要延续护理,占比84%,而需求最高的护理项目是用药的方法以及恢复过程中的注意事项,服务的方式基本以网络通信为主,服务人员则以医院护士为主。根据单因素结构的分析显示,中重度银屑病患者对于延续护理需求的相关因素非常多,诸如就诊方式、文化程度、家庭月收入、治疗方案等等,都有一定的关联,而且差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在根据Logistic分析结果中我们发现,传统治疗方案和冰河正是影响中重度银屑病患者延续护理需求的独立影响因素,而城镇职工医保支付方式则是影响患者延续护理需求的保护因素。结论:大部分中重度银屑病患者的延续护理需求相对较高,中重度银屑病患者的延续护理方案应当满足于患者的延续护理需求,并且要建立起更加个体化和多元化的延续护理方式。 Objective: To study the continuous nursing needs and influencing factors in patients with moderate and severe psoriasis.Methods: A convenient sampling method was used in this study, and 500 patients with moderate and severe psoriasis were selected from December 2020 to February 2021 in our hospital as the research objective to conduct a questionnaire survey, and the continuous nursing needs of patients and the impact on patients’ rehabilitation were analyzed.Results: In the investigation and research,420 patients need to continue nursing, accounting for 84%. The nursing items with the highest demand are the methods of medication and the precautions in the recovery process. The service mode is mainly network communication, and the service personnel is mainly hospital nurses.According to the analysis of single factor structure, patients with moderate and severe psoriasis have many factors related to the continuous nursing needs, such as the way of seeing a doctor, educational level, monthly family income, treatment plan, etc., and the difference is statistically significant (P <0.05).According to the Logistic analysis, we found that traditional treatment and glacier are the independent factors that affect the continuous nursing needs of patients with moderate and severe psoriasis, and the payment method of medical insurance for urban workers is the protective factor that affects the continuous nursing needs of patients.Conclusion: Most of the patients with moderate and severe psoriasis have a relatively high demand for continuous nursing care.The continuous nursing care plan for patients with moderate and severe psoriasis should meet the needs of continuous nursing care, and establish a more individualized and diversified mode of continuous nursing care.
中重度银屑病;延续护理;影响因素 Moderate and severe psoriasis; continuous nursing care; influencing factors
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