Eriando Rizky Septian,Eriando Rizky Septian , Ella Nurlaella Hadi,Ella Nurlaella Hadi
残疾人参与社会活动的机会有限,他们的最大障碍是污名化,减少对残疾人的羞辱的现有干预措施有限。印度尼西亚有2000多万残疾人但也没有努力减少歧视,因此,向印度尼西亚提供干预的见解以减少对残疾人的羞辱和污名是重要的。这项研究旨在提供减少对世界各地残疾人的歧视的干预措施方面的见解。研究使用PRISMA多步审查框架、电子数据库(PubMed、ScienceDirect、ProQuest)、参考文献列表和期刊,以查找相关文献。基于标题、内容,以污名、残疾和干预为关键词搜索,在449篇文章选出17篇符合标准的文章,并得出结论,教育干预已被证明是减少对残疾人的羞辱最高效的干预手段。特别是在印度尼西亚这个人口第四多的国家,通过针对一般人群教育来扩大影响范围可被视为减少污名的最有效方式。 Persons with disabilities have limited opportunities to participate in society, and their greatest obstacle is stigmatization and limited existing interventions to reduce the stigmatization of persons with disabilities.Indonesia had more than 20 million persons with disabilities but had not made any efforts to reduce discrimination, so it was important to provide Indonesia with insights to intervene to reduce stigma and stigmatization of persons with disabilities.The study aims to provide insights into interventions to reduce discrimination against persons with disabilities worldwide.The study used the PRISMA multi-step review framework, electronic databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, ProQuest), reference lists, and journals to locate relevant literature.Based on the title, content, using stigma, disability and intervention as keywords,17 articles were selected in 449 articles that met the criteria, and it was concluded that educational interventions have proven to be the most effective interventions to reduce stigma against persons with disabilities.Particularly in Indonesia, the fourth most populous country, expanding its reach through education for the general population can be seen as the most effective way to reduce stigma.
污名;残疾人;PubMed;ScienceDirect;ProQuest;印度尼西亚 Stigma; persons with disabilities;PubMed;ScienceDirect;ProQuest; Indonesia
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