朱 蕾,Lei Zhu
目的:使用遵医行为、血糖控制两个指标研究人文关怀护理在2型糖尿病老年患者群体中的作用。方法:择我院接诊2型糖尿病老年患者共96名,均分为人文关怀组和常规护理组,结合实际情况予以适当的人文关怀干预、常规糖尿病护理,研究并整合全部患者在遵医行为以及血糖控制指标上的差异性,并展开讨论。结果:受到不同护理模式所影响,接受人文关怀护理的患者组,不管是遵医行为还是血糖的控制情况都要明显优越于基础常规护理,指标均存在。结论:针对2型糖尿病老年患者,行以完善的人文关怀护理,能够对其遵医行为起到促进作用,并且对于血糖控制也有较好的管控效果,值得推广。 Objective: To study the effect of humanistic care nursing care in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) by using two indexes: compliance behavior and blood glucose control.Methods: Ninety-six elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were randomly divided into two groups: humanistic care group and routine care group.Results: Influenced by different nursing modes, the patients receiving humanistic care had better compliance behavior and blood glucose control than the basic routine nursing, and the indexes existed.Conclusion: For the elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, taking perfect humanistic care nursing care can promote their compliance behavior, and have better control effect on blood glucose control, which is worth promoting.
老年糖尿病;人文关怀护理模式;遵医行为;血糖控制 Elderly diabetes mellitus; humanistic care nursing model; medical compliance; blood glucose control
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