谭 微,Wei Tan,蔡晓燕,Xiaoyan Cai,崔西琳,Xilin Cui
目的:观察门诊哮喘患儿进行规范化管理中微信延续性护理的应用效果。方法:选取2021年1月-2021年6月本院哮喘门诊就诊的54例哮喘患儿,随机分为观察组哮喘患儿33例和对照组哮喘患儿21例。对照组哮喘患儿采用常规健康教育及电话回访,观察组哮喘患儿采用微信延续性护理干预,比较两组哮喘患儿护理效果。结果:观察组哮喘患儿用药依从性、哮喘控制状态优于对照组哮喘患儿(P<0.05);观察组哮喘患儿家长满意度高于对照组哮喘患儿(P<0.05);观察组哮喘患儿干预后6个月肺功能指标FVC、FEV1(L)、FEV1/FVC(%)均高于对照组哮喘患儿(P<0.05)。结论:对哮喘患儿采用微信延续性护理进行干预,提高患儿用药依从性,增加患儿及家长家庭护理知识,改善患儿哮喘控制状态,提升患儿家属护理满意度。 Objective: To observe the effect of WeChat continuous nursing in standardized management of children with asthma.Methods:54 asthmatic children from January 2021 to June 2021 were randomly divided into observation group (n=33) and control group (n=21).Conventional health education and telephone follow-up were used in the control group and WeChat continuous nursing intervention was used in the observation group to compare the nursing effects of two groups.Results: The compliance and control status of asthma in the observation group were better than those in the control group (P <0.05); the satisfaction of parents in the observation group was higher than that in the control group (P <0.05); the pulmonary function indexes of FVC, FEV1(L) and FEV1/FVC (%) in the observation group were higher than those in the control group (P <0.05).Conclusion: WeChat continuous nursing intervention is used to improve children’s medication compliance, family nursing knowledge, asthma control status and family nursing satisfaction.
哮喘;微信;慢性病管理;延续性护理;生存质量 Asthma; WeChat; Chronic Disease Management; Continuous Nursing; Quality of Life
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