新型敷料在骨科难愈性伤口中的应用体会 Application of New Dressing in Orthopedic Wounds with Difficult Healing




李菲菲,Feifei Li
目的:探究新型敷料在骨科难愈性伤口中的应用价值。方法:选取我院骨科在2020年1月至2021年1月收治的120例难愈性伤口患者,随机分为观察组(新型敷料处理)和对照组(常规操作)各60人。结果:相比于对照组,观察组伤口愈合时间、住院时间及换药次数均较低,并发症发生率(6.67%)也较低(P<0.05);治疗后,观察组VAS、VRS、PPI评分较低、生活质量改善更明显(P<0.05)。结论:在骨科难愈性伤口中运用新型敷料能够获得更为理想的干预效果。 Objective: To explore the application value of new dressing in the treatment of hard-healing wound in orthopedics.Methods:120 patients with refractory wound were randomly divided into observation group (new dressing) and control group (routine operation).Results: Compared with the control group, the wound healing time, hospitalization time and dressing change times in the observation group were lower, and the complication rate (6.67%) was also lower (P <0.05).Conclusion: The application of new dressing in the treatment of hard-healing wound in orthopedics can obtain more ideal intervention effect.
新型敷料;骨科难愈性伤口;应用体会 New dressing; orthopedic difficult-to-healing wound; application experience
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