2型糖尿病型勃起功能障碍治疗的最新进展 Recent advances in the treatment of type 2 diabetic erectile dysfunction




毕 睿,Rui Bi,曹会峰,Huifeng Cao,崔力成,Licheng Cui
勃起功能障碍(ED)是无法实现和维持勃起。勃起功能取决于神经和血管通路的复杂相互作用。促进勃起功能的主要神经递质是一氧化氮。由2型糖尿病引起的男性勃起功能障碍是2型糖尿病患者最易引起的并发症之一。在出现并发症之后,对男性的身心和自信以及对家庭都造成的不同程度的伤害。因此,对于2型糖尿病型勃起功能障碍的治疗一直处于不断的探索中。此篇文章将对2型糖尿病型勃起功能障碍的最新治疗方法进行阐述。 Erectile dysfunction (ED) is an inability to achieve and maintain erection.Erectile function depends on complex interactions between nerve and vascular pathways.The main neurotransmitter that promotes erectile function is nitric oxide.Male erectile dysfunction caused by type 2 diabetes is one of the most common complications in patients with type 2 diabetes.The physical, mental and self-confidence of men and the varying degrees of harm to the family following complications.Therefore, the treatment of type 2 diabetic erectile dysfunction has been under continuous exploration.This article describes the latest treatments for erectile dysfunction in type 2 diabetes.
2型糖尿病;勃起功能障碍;干细胞治疗;手术治疗 Type 2 diabetes; erectile dysfunction; stem cell therapy; surgical treatment
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