周伟妹,Weimei Zhou
目的:分析慢阻肺患者氨茶碱个体化给药方案及疗效。方法:选择我院于2020年7月-2021年8月接受治疗的70例慢阻肺患者,对入选患者的氨茶碱血药浓度进行检测,对血药浓度和临床效果进行观察。结果:有关文献报道氨茶碱有效血药浓度范围5-20μg/ml,此次研究结果显示14例患者血药浓度在5μg/ml以下,5-20μg/ml之间45例患者,20μg/ml以上患者11例;同时60例静滴患者治疗后症状控制率81.67%,4例口服0.1g患者治疗后症状控制率75%,6例口服0.2g患者治疗后症状控制率83.33%;70例患者通过治疗后神经系统异常者1例,消化系统异常者2例,心血管系统异常者6例,呼吸系统异常者1例。结论:对于慢阻肺患者而言临床可采用小剂量氨茶碱,控制血药浓度范围为10-15μg/ml。 Objective: To analyze the therapeutic effect of aminophylline on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Methods:70 patients with COPD who were treated in our hospital from July 2020 to August 2021 were selected to test the plasma concentration of aminophylline and observe the plasma concentration and clinical effect.Results: The effective plasma concentration of aminophylline ranged from 5μg/ml to 20μg/ml. The results of this study showed that the plasma concentration of aminophylline was below 5μg/ml in 14 patients, between 5μg/ml and 20μg/ml in 45 patients, and above 20μg/ml in 11 patients. At the same time, the symptom control rate was 81.67% in 60 patients treated by intravenous drip,75% in 4 patients treated by oral administration of 0.1 g,83.33% in 6 patients treated by oral administration of 0.2 g,1 patient with abnormal nervous system and 2 patients with abnormal digestive system.6 Cases with abnormal cardiovascular system and 1 case with abnormal respiratory system.Conclusion: Low dose aminophylline can be used in patients with COPD. The concentration of aminophylline in blood can be controlled in the range of 10-15μg/ml.
慢阻肺;氨茶碱;个体化给药;临床效果 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; aminophylline; individualized administration; clinical effect
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