徐 垚,Yao Xu
将呼吸科护理中运用护患沟通产生的影响作为此次目的。选择医院所收治的60例呼吸科患者作为此次目标,并且开展此次探究,根据护理方法的差异性将其分为两组,分别为探究组和护理组。每组人员有30例,针对探究组采取的是常规护理方法,护理组开展的是护患沟通,对这两组患者最后产生的护理效果进行观察。结果就是护理组的护理质量和满意度都要比探究组高,这两组的数据具有差异性,并且有统计学意义(P<0.05);对比护理组和探究组两组患者并发症的发生概率和住院时间等各项指标,可以看出这两组之间存在的差异性,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。此次探究最终结论则是在呼吸科护理当中运用护患沟通,其效果非常明显,能够减少患者并发症,缩短患者的住院时间,将其护理质量和满意度提高,更有利于患者快速恢复健康,这种护理方法值得在临床推广和运用。 Take the effect of nurse-patient communication in respiratory nursing as this purpose.60 Cases of respiratory patients admitted to the hospital were selected as the target, and the research was carried out.According to the differences of nursing methods, the patients were divided into two groups: the research group and the nursing group.There were 30 cases in each group. The routine nursing method was adopted in the inquiry group, and the nurse-patient communication was carried out in the nursing group.The results showed that the nursing quality and satisfaction of the nursing group were higher than those of the inquiry group, and the data of the two groups were different and statistically significant (P <0.05).The final conclusion of this research is that the application of nurse-patient communication in respiratory nursing is very effective, which can reduce the complications of patients, shorten the hospitalization time of patients, improve the nursing quality and satisfaction, and is more conducive to the rapid recovery of health of patients. This nursing method is worthy of clinical promotion and application.
呼吸科;护患沟通;护理质量;满意度 Respiratory Department; Nursing Communication; Nursing Quality; Satisfaction
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