林桂华,Guihua Lin
目的:探究系统性红斑狼疮并发带状疱疹后创面感染的护理策略。方法:选择我科收治时间为2018年6月-2021年6月的所有患者中,筛选出并发带状疱疹创面感染且符合本次探究标准的系统性红斑狼疮患者80例,将患者的序号完全打乱,选择双盲法进行分组,将其分为A组(n=40)和B组(n=40)。结果:B组患者在经针对性护理措施后,其疼痛优良率为95.00%(38/40),相较于A组72.50%(29/40)更高,差异较大P<0.05。B组患者在治疗过程中出现的差错事件发生率仅5.00%(2/40),低于A组32.50%(13/40),差异较大P<0.05。B组患者在经过针对性护理后满意度为97.50%(39/40),明显高于A组82.50%(33/40),差异较大P<0.05。结论:对系统性红斑狼疮并发带状疱疹引发创面感染的患者采取针对性的护理,能够大幅度改善患者的疼痛程度,提高患者满意度,提升患者的生活质量,值得推广。 Objective: To explore the nursing strategy of systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with post-herpetic wound infection.Methods: From June 2018 to June 2021,80 patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) complicated with herpes zoster wound infection and meeting the criteria of this study were selected from all patients in our department. The serial numbers of the patients were completely disrupted, and they were divided into group A (n=40) and group B (n=40).Results: The excellent and good rate of pain in group B was 95.00%(38/40), which was higher than that in group A (72.50%)(P <0.05).The incidence of error events in group B was only 5.00%(2/40), lower than that in group A 32.50%(13/40)(P <0.05).The satisfaction rate of group B was 97.50%(39/40), which was significantly higher than that of group A 82.50%(33/40)(P <0.05).Conclusion: Targeted nursing care for patients with systemic lupus erythematosus complicated with herpes zoster-induced wound infection can significantly improve the pain degree of patients, improve patient satisfaction, improve the quality of life of patients, worthy of promotion.
系统性红斑狼疮;带状疱疹;创面感染;护理;疼痛 Systemic lupus erythematosus; herpes zoster; wound infection; nursing; pain
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