管道标识在腹腔引流患者护理安全管理中的应用 Application of catheter identification in nursing safety management of patients with abdominal drainage




邱红芳,Hongfang Qiu
目的:探究管道标识在腹腔引流患者护理安全管理中的应用。方法:抽选本院需要实施腹腔引流的患者共63例,按照计算机乱序分组的方式分为实验A组与实验B组,其中实验A组31例,实验B组32例。传统的护理模式应用于实验A组患者,实验B组患者则在其基础上应用管道标识。按照真实情况记录并统计两组患者引流期间危险情况的发生状况,发放并要求患者自行完成病症健康知识考核单,观察两组患者对于病症健康知识的了解程度,记录两组患者的护理有效性及其对于组内护理模式的满意程度。结果:实验B组患者就医过程中堵管、管道脱落、打折、更换延时以及管道判断错误等引流期间危险事件的发生状况、患者对于病症健康知识的了解情况、护理有效性以及患者对于组内护理模式的满意程度均优于实验A组患者,P<0.05。结论:在实施腹腔引流患者的传统护理的基础上应用管道标识,能够行之有效地减少患者引流期间出现危险情况的几率,强化患者就医治疗的安全程度,丰富患者对于自身病症健康知识的了解,强化其自我保护的意识与能力,优化预后,推进患者病症情况的快速向好发展,值得推广。 Objective: To explore the application of tube labeling in nursing safety management of patients with abdominal drainage.Methods: A total of 63 patients who needed abdominal drainage were randomly divided into experimental group A and experimental group B, including 31 cases in experimental group A and 32 cases in experimental group B.The traditional nursing mode was applied to the patients in group A, and the patients in group B were applied to the pipeline identification.According to the actual situation, the patients in both groups were recorded and counted for the occurrence of dangerous situation during drainage, and the patients were issued and required to complete the disease health knowledge test sheet. The understanding of the disease health knowledge of the patients in both groups was observed, and the nursing effectiveness of the patients in both groups and the satisfaction of the nursing mode in both groups were recorded.Results: The patients in experimental group B were better than those in experimental group A (P <0.05).Conclusion: On the basis of the traditional nursing care of patients with abdominal drainage, the application of pipeline identification can effectively reduce the risk of patients during drainage, strengthen the degree of safety of patients in medical treatment, enrich the understanding of patients’ health knowledge of their own symptoms, strengthen their self-protection awareness and ability, optimize the prognosis, promote the rapid and good development of patients’ symptoms, which is worth promoting.
管道标识;腹腔引流;护理安全;应用效果 Tube identification; abdominal drainage; nursing safety; application effect
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