人性化护理模式在老年呼吸衰竭患者护理中的应用 Application of Humanized Nursing Mode in Nursing of Elderly Patients with Respiratory Failure




王沙沙,Shasha Wang
将老年呼吸衰竭患者进行护理过程中运用人性化护理获得的效果作为此次探究目标。选择用的方法是某医院收治的老年呼吸衰竭患者40例,根据随机原则将这些患者分为研究组和对比组,每组人员有20例,对比组进行常规护理,研究组则是在基础护理中给予患者人性化护理。对研究组和对比组的患者护理效果进行探究。结果是护理之后的患者得分明显要比干预前的得分低(P<0.05);研究组实施人性化护理模式,患者生活质量评分处于良好状态,跟对比组有关数据进行比较,其数据差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),因此对老年呼吸衰竭患者开展人性化护理成效非常明显,能更好对患者出现的负面情绪进行缓解,改善其生活质量,进一步推动这项疾病临床治疗效果的提高,值得大量推广和运用。 The objective of this study is to explore the effects of humanized nursing in the nursing of elderly patients with respiratory failure.According to the principle of randomization,40 elderly patients with respiratory failure were divided into study group and control group. There were 20 patients in each group.To explore the nursing effect of patients in study group and control group.The results showed that the scores of patients after nursing were obviously lower than those before intervention (P <0.05). The study group implemented the humanized nursing mode, and the quality of life score of patients was in good condition. Compared with the relevant data of the control group, the data difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Therefore, the effect of humanized nursing on elderly patients with respiratory failure was very obvious, which could better relieve the negative emotions of patients, improve their quality of life, and further promote the improvement of clinical treatment effect of the disease. It was worth to be widely promoted and applied.
老年;呼吸衰竭;人性化护理 Elderly; Respiratory failure; Humanized nursing
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