李 周,Zhou Li
静脉血栓栓塞症(venous thromboembolism,VTE)在临床上越来越被重视,为进一步提高全院护士对深静脉血栓形成的认识,我院的深静脉血栓专项组也应运而生,结合医院深静脉血栓防治工作的开展情况,不断学习相关知识。越来越多的临床医生运用皮下注射抗凝剂的方法预防VTE,然而在使用过程中我们发现由于药物的特殊性及操作者不规范易导致患者不同程度的出现皮下出血、疼痛等情况,降低了患者用药依从性,影响了患者对护理工作的满意度和信任感,甚者造成药液的浪费,影响用药效果[1]。近年来,根据大量收集的临床数据及相关文献的研究,《抗凝剂皮下注射护理规范专家共识》于2019年发布,指导临床护士如何使用正确的方法进行用药护理,减少患者对药物的抗拒以保证疗效。我院在实际操作中对该共识的方法进行验证,结合自身情况进行优化,本文详细分析各项规范制定意义及实践效果,旨在为实现抗凝剂安全注射规范化、标准化提供参考依据。 Venous thromboembolism (venous thromboembolism,VTE) has been paid more and more attention in clinic. In order to further improve the nurses’ understanding of deep venous thrombosis, the special group of deep venous thromboembolism in our hospital came into being.More and more clinicians use the method of subcutaneous injection of anticoagulant to prevent VTE. However, in the process of use, we find that due to the particularity of the drug and the non-standardized operator, the patient may suffer from subcutaneous hemorrhage, pain and other conditions to varying degrees, which reduces the patient’s medication compliance, affects the patient’s satisfaction and trust in nursing work, and even leads to the waste of drug and affects the medication effect [1].In recent years, according to a large number of collected clinical data and related literature, the Expert Consensus on the Standard of Nursing for Subcutaneous Injection of Anticoagulants was released in 2019 to guide clinical nurses how to use the correct methods for medication and nursing, and reduce the resistance of patients to drugs to ensure the efficacy.In the practical operation of our hospital, the consensus method was verified and optimized in combination with its own situation.The significance and practical effect of various specifications were analyzed in detail in this paper, aiming to provide reference for the standardization and standardization of anticoagulant safety injection.
静脉血栓栓塞症;抗凝剂;皮下注射 Intravenous thromboembolism; anticoagulant; subcutaneous injection
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