白 勇,Yong Bai,章映梅,Yingmei Zhang
目的:研讨泮托拉唑联合奥曲肽治疗老年消化性溃疡合并胃十二指肠出血的效果。方法:选取消化性溃疡合并胃十二指肠出血老年患者92例,常规组46例:落实单独用药方案:测试组46例:实施联合治疗方案:比对不同方案的临床治疗效果差异性。结果:测试组停止出血时间与在院治疗时间均短于常规组,(P<0.05)。测试组治疗有效性95.65%高于常规组的78.26%,(P<0.05)。治疗前,两组患者的炎性因子水平互比,无差异性();治疗后,测试组患者的白介素-2、白介素-6及白介素-17指标均低于常规组,(P<0.05)。结论:老年消化性溃疡合并胃十二指肠出血病情较为严重,选择泮托拉唑联合奥曲肽方案治疗效果显著,更可降低炎性因子水平,还可快速止血,符合临床治疗需求。 Objective: To study the effect of pantoprazole combined with octreotide in the treatment of senile peptic ulcer complicated with gastroduodenal hemorrhage.Methods:92 elderly patients with peptic ulcer complicated with gastroduodenal hemorrhage were selected.46 patients in the routine group were given the single drug regimen and 46 patients in the test group were given the combined treatment regimen.Results: The stopping bleeding time and treatment time in the test group were shorter than those in the routine group (P <0.05).The efficacy of the test group was 95.65% higher than that of the routine group (78.26%, P <0.05).Before treatment, the levels of inflammatory factors in the two groups were not different (); after treatment, the levels of IL-2, IL-6 and IL-17 in the test group were lower than those in the conventional group (P <0.05).Conclusion: The senile peptic ulcer complicated with gastroduodenal hemorrhage is more serious.Pantoprazole combined with octreotide regimen is effective, can lower the level of inflammatory factors, and can stop bleeding quickly, which is in line with clinical treatment needs.
消化性溃疡;胃十二指肠出血;老年;泮托拉唑;奥曲肽 Peptic ulcer; gastroduodenal hemorrhage; elderly; pantoprazole; octreotide
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