董应霞,Yingxia Dong,李 红,Hong Li,刘飞媛,Feiyuan Liu,康 丹,Dan Kang
目的:探究CPOT疼痛评估量表在老年重症患者疼痛护理的应用。方法:从2021年3月~2022年3月间收治的老年重症患者资料中,共计选出26例患者作为样本分析。按双盲法分组(对照组、观察组),各组均13例,分别采取不同的疼痛评估方法。其中,对照组运用NRS,研究组运用CPOT,均用于其对应组别的疼痛护理中,最终从疼痛缓解率、止痛药物减少、疼痛管理满意率、住院天数等指标上逐一对比,以探究CPOT量表运用优势。结果:各项指标均是观察组占据优势,一方面观察组住院时间更短,且疼痛缓解率、止痛药减少率、患者满意率均较高,分别为:缓解率92.31%(12/13),止痛药减少率61.54%(8/13),满意率100.0%(13/13),而对照组对应指标分别为:76.92%(10/13)、38.46%(5/13)、76.92%(10/13)各指标比较,P<0.05。结论:CPOT用于老年重症患者中效果显著,能提升疼痛护理管理的规范性、科学性,有效提升对患者疼痛调节的质量,从而减少患者止痛药物使用和住院时间,利于患者身心康复,值得运用推广及研究。 Objective: To explore the application of CPOT pain assessment scale in nursing care of elderly patients with severe pain.Methods: From March 2021 to March 2022,26 patients were selected as samples.Patients were divided into two groups (control group and observation group) by double-blind method, and 13 patients in each group were treated with different pain assessment methods.NRS was used in the control group and CPOT was used in the study group. All of them were used in the pain nursing of the corresponding group. Finally, the indexes such as pain relief rate, pain relief drug reduction, satisfaction rate of pain management and hospitalization days were compared one by one to explore the advantages of CPOT scale.Results: Each index is the observation group occupies the superiority, on the one hand the observation group is in hospital for a shorter time, and the pain relief rate, the pain relief rate, the pain relief rate, the patient satisfaction rate are higher, respectively: the relief rate 92.31%(12/13), the pain relief rate 61.54%(8/13), the satisfaction rate 100.0%(13/13), while the control group corresponding index respectively:76.92%(10/13),38.46%(5/13),76.92%(10/13), P <0.05.Conclusion: CPOT can improve the standardization and scientificity of pain nursing management, improve the quality of pain regulation, reduce the use of analgesics and hospitalization time, and facilitate the physical and mental rehabilitation of the elderly patients.
疼痛护理;老年重症患者;CPOT;NRS Pain care; Senile severe patients; CPOT; NRS
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