陈晓旭,Xiaoxu Chen,熊 敏,Xiong Min
目的:探讨精细化管理理念在呼吸与危重症医学科护理风险防范中应用。方法:获得院伦理委员会准许和患者及其家属同意后,抽选本院呼吸内科和重症医学科在2020年3月至2021年3月期间收治的患者共计73例,将患者的入院序号完全打乱,使用双盲法将其划分为实验A组和实验B组。其中,实验A组共计36例,应用常规管理模式,实验B组共计37例,应用精细化管理模式。在此期间,护理人员要准确和详细记录下需要进行观察的指标,为后期数据研究提供数据支持。结果:根据研究数据可知,实验B组患者的机械通气时间、ICU住院时间、风险事件发生率、负性情绪评分以及护理满意度均显著优于实验A组,P<0.05。结论:就本次研究所得的具体数据做对比分析发现,在呼吸内科和重症医学科的护理风险防范中,需要采用精细化管理理念来开展具体的护理工作,具备良好的护理效果,可减少风险事件发生率,保障患者就医期间的安全,减轻患者负性情绪,维持患者身心健康,加快患者康复速度,提升患者对护理工作的满意度。各项数据对比发现,采用该护理管理理念比之于应用常规管理模式具有明显的优势,因而,可推广。 Objective: To explore the application of fine management in nursing risk prevention in respiratory and critical medical department.Methods:73 patients were selected from the Department of Respiratory Medicine and the Department of Intensive Medicine from March 2020 to March 2021 with the permission of the Ethics Committee of the hospital and the consent of the patients and their families. The admission serial numbers of the patients were completely disrupted, and the patients were divided into experimental group A and experimental group B by double-blind method.There were 36 cases in group A and 37 cases in group B.During this period, the nursing staff shall accurately and carefully record the indexes to be observed to provide data support for later data research.Results: According to the study data, the mechanical ventilation time, ICU hospitalization time, risk event rate, negative emotion score and nursing satisfaction of the patients in group B were significantly better than those in group A (P <0.05).Conclusion: Through the comparative analysis of the specific data obtained in this study, it is found that in the nursing risk prevention of Respiratory Medicine and Intensive Medicine, it is necessary to adopt the refined management concept to carry out specific nursing work, which has good nursing effect, can reduce the incidence of risk events, ensure the safety of patients during the period of medical treatment, reduce the negative emotions of patients, maintain the physical and mental health of patients, speed up the recovery of patients, and improve the satisfaction of patients with nursing work.The comparison of the data shows that the nursing management concept has obvious advantages over the conventional management model, so it can be popularized.
精细化管理理念;呼吸与危重症医学科;护理;风险防范 Refined management concept; respiratory and critical medical department; nursing; risk prevention
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