舒适护理对高龄髋关节置换术患者功能锻炼依从性的影响 Effect of Comfort Nursing on Functional Exercise Compliance of Elderly Patients with Hip Replacement




杨丽霞,Lixia Yang,李 红,Hong Li,刘飞媛,Feiyuan Liu,代焦焦,Jiaojiao Dai
目的:探讨舒适护理对高龄髋关节置换术患者功能锻炼依从性的影响。方法:获得院伦理委员会准许和患者及其家属同意后,抽选本院在2020年5月-2021年7月期间收治的高龄髋关节置换术患者共计78例,将患者的入院序号完全打乱,使用双盲法将其划分为实验A组(n=39,常规护理)和实验B组(n=42,全科护理)。在此期间,护理人员要准确和详细记录下需要进行观察的指标,以便为后期研究提供数据支持。结果:根据研究数据可知,相较于实验A组,实验B组患者的护理舒适度更高,术后疼痛评分更低,功能锻炼依从性更高,并发症发生率更低,组间数据差异较大,P<0.05。结论:就本次研究所得的具体数据做对比分析发现,舒适护理应用于高龄髋关节置换术患者的临床护理中,护理效果显著,可以提升患者就医的舒适度,有效减轻患者疼痛,维持患者就医期间的身心健康,减少并发症发生几率,确保患者的安全,促使患者积极配合功能康复锻炼,推动其康复进程。各项数据对比发现,采用该护理方式比之于应用常规护理具有明显的优势,因而,可推广。 Objective: To explore the effect of comfort nursing on the compliance of functional exercise in elderly patients undergoing hip replacement.Methods:78 elderly patients with hip replacement between May 2020 and July 2021 were divided into experimental group A (n=39, routine nursing) and experimental group B (n=42, general nursing).During this period, the nursing staff shall accurately and carefully record the indexes to be observed to provide data support for later research.Results: Compared with experimental group A, experimental group B had higher nursing comfort, lower postoperative pain score, higher compliance with functional exercise, and lower incidence of complications.Conclusion: The comparative analysis of the specific data obtained in this study shows that comfort nursing is effective in the clinical nursing of the elderly patients with hip replacement, which can improve the comfort of the patients, effectively reduce the pain of the patients, maintain the physical and mental health of the patients during the period of medical treatment, reduce the incidence of complications, ensure the safety of the patients, promote the patients to actively cooperate with functional rehabilitation exercise, and promote the rehabilitation process.Compared with the routine nursing, this nursing method has obvious advantages and can be popularized.
舒适护理;高龄;髋关节置换术;功能锻炼;依从性 Comfort care; Old age; Hip arthroplasty; Functional exercise; Compliance
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