一例应用镇静药的急性播散性脑脊髓神经根神经炎患者的案例分析 A case analysis of acute disseminated cerebrospinal radiculoneuritis treated with sedatives




刘 畅,Chang Liu,孙秀平,Xiuping Sun
重症病房(ICU)患者本身患有严重的疾病,在生理和心理上都受到了很大的伤害,常常产生焦虑、抑郁、烦躁等症状而影响患者原有的治疗效果[1]。ICU患者一般情况下都会通过机械通气来维持呼吸,镇静药可以抑制焦虑、躁动,减轻患者的应激反应,缩短机械通气时间及住院时间,因此镇静药成为了ICU的常用药物[2]。但ICU患者病情多变,镇静药的使用也可能会延长机械通气的时间,关于镇静药品种的选择以及相关药物不良反应对患者疾病影响是ICU当下关注的热点[3]。 The patients in ICU suffer from serious diseases and suffer from great physical and psychological injuries, often resulting in anxiety, depression, dysphoria and other symptoms, which affect the original treatment effect of patients [1].In ICU patients, mechanical ventilation is generally used to maintain breathing. Sedatives can inhibit anxiety and restlessness, alleviate the patient’s stress response, and shorten the mechanical ventilation time and hospitalization time. Therefore, sedatives are commonly used in ICU [2].However, the condition of ICU patients is changeable, and the use of sedatives may also prolong the time of mechanical ventilation. The selection of sedatives and the impact of adverse drug reactions on patients’ disease are the focus of ICU [3].
镇静药;;急性散播;脑脊髓神经根神经炎 Sedatives; Acute Dissemination; Encephalomyelorhizitis
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