失禁性皮炎在护理中知信行模式应用于老年大便失禁患者中的效果分析 Analysis of effect of application of knowledge, faith and behavior mode in nursing care of elderly patients with fecal incontinence




吴桂莲,Guilian Wu,李 红,Hong Li,曹 艳,Yan Cao
目的:研究失禁性皮炎在护理中知信行模式应用于老年大便失禁患者中的效果。方法:选取本院收治的老年大便失禁患者80例,随机均分为实验组和对照组,两组患者均实行常规护理,对实验组患者施加知信行模式,对两组患者进行失禁性皮炎发生率的统计、护理满意度的调查,同时对护理人员的工作质量进行评价。结果:经统计,就失禁性皮炎发生率而言,实验组为5.00%(2/40),对照组为17.50%(7/40),居间差异显示,P<0.05;就护理满意度而言,实验组为97.50%(39/40),对照组为85.00%(34/40),居间差异显示,P<0.05;就护理人员工作质量而言,实验组综合评分为(92.14±2.16),对照组综合评分为(82.13±3.68),居间差异显示,P<0.05。实验组各项考核结果均优势明显。结论:老年大便失禁患者发生失禁性皮炎的概率较高,由于失禁性皮炎的发病原因及致病机制较为明确,对此临床上应该加强对护理工作的重视,可以在常规护理中施加知信行模式从而提升护理人员的工作质量,针对性的制定防治措施以加强对患者的保护,切实降低失禁性皮炎的发病概率,为患者提供更为优质的医疗服务。 Objective: To study the effect of application of knowledge, faith and behavior in nursing care of elderly patients with fecal incontinence.Methods:80 elderly patients with fecal incontinence were randomly divided into experimental group and control group.The patients in both groups were given routine nursing care.The patients in the experimental group were given the knowledge-trust mode.The incidence of incontinence dermatitis and the satisfaction of nursing care were investigated.At the same time, the work quality of nursing staff was evaluated.Results: The incidence of incontinent dermatitis was 5.00%(2/40) in the experimental group and 17.50%(7/40) in the control group (P <0.05). The nursing satisfaction was 97.50%(39/40) in the experimental group and 85.00%(34/40) in the control group (P <0.05). The nursing quality was 92.14±2.16 in the experimental group and 82.13±3.68 in the control group (P <0.05).The test results of the experimental group were obviously superior.Conclusion: The probability of incontinent dermatitis is high in the elderly patients with fecal incontinence. Because the causes and pathogenesis of incontinent dermatitis are clear, we should pay more attention to the nursing work in clinical practice. We can apply the mode of knowing, believing and acting in the routine nursing to improve the work quality of the nursing staff, and formulate targeted prevention and treatment measures to strengthen the protection of the patients, reduce the incidence probability of incontinent dermatitis, and provide better medical services for the patients.
失禁性皮炎;知信行模式;大便失禁 Incontinent dermatitis; epistemic mode; fecal incontinence
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