精细化沟通在老年住院患者健康教育中的应用效果 Effect of fine communication in health education for elderly inpatients




杨 芸,Yun Yang,李 红,Hong Li,谢温月,Wenyue Xie,田仁红,Renhong Tian
目的:探究精细化沟通在老年住院患者健康教育中的应用效果。方法:选取本院近一年内(2021.01-2022.01)入院进行住院治疗的老年患者,采用均分两组的方法进行健康教育实验观察与研究。其中一组为A组,进行常规护理以及健康教育并记录、观察结果;另一组为B组,为患者进行精细化沟通健康教育,对实验结果做观察记录并报告。结果:在无客观因素影响影响的前提下,B组患者的各项护理观察实验数据(健康教育知识掌握得分、护理满意度)均优于A组患者。结论:在老年住院患者的临床治疗与护理中,采用精细化沟通对患者进行健康教育,更有利于患者对于健康教育掌握度的提升,患者配合度、护理满意度有效提升,方法有效,值得推广。 Objective: To explore the application of fine communication in health education of elderly inpatients.Methods: In the past one year (2021.01-2022.01), the elderly patients who were admitted to our hospital for in-hospital treatment were observed and studied by health education experiment.Group A received routine nursing and health education, and recorded and observed the results; Group B received fine communication health education, and recorded and reported the experimental results.Results: Without the influence of objective factors, the data of nursing observation experiment (health education knowledge mastery score, nursing satisfaction) in group B were better than those in group A.Conclusion: In the clinical treatment and nursing of the elderly inpatients, the use of fine communication to carry out health education for the patients is more conducive to the improvement of the patient’s grasp of health education, the patient’s coordination, the effective improvement of nursing satisfaction, the method is effective, worthy of promotion.
精细化沟通;老年住院患者;健康教育;应用效果 Refined communication; elderly inpatients; health education; application effect
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