张 玮,Wei Zhang
目的:探究ICU护理人员医院感染控制知识的掌握情况并分析影响因素,总结降低医院感染事件发生率的有效措施。方法:选取笔者医院ICU100名护理人员为调查对象,为其发放本医院自制的《医院感染控制知识测试卷》和影响因素调查表。了解ICU护理人员医院感染控制知识掌握情况。结果:调查显示笔者医院ICU护理人员医院感染控制知识总得分为(75.91±16.04)分,调查分析表明ICU护理人员医院感染控制知识掌握情况与医院培训情况、护理人员受教育程度以及工作年限有关。结论:ICU护理人员医院感染控制知识整体掌握情况较好,但是本科室还需要加强对护理人员专业化的知识培训,细化医院感染控制知识内容,针对不同学历护理人员落实分层次的培训,并积极发挥高年资护理人员的模范带头作用。 Objective: To explore the knowledge of nosocomial infection control in ICU nurses and analyze the influencing factors, and summarize the effective measures to reduce the incidence of nosocomial infection.Methods:100 nursing staff in ICU of our hospital were selected as the investigated subjects, and the self-made "Hospital Infection Control Knowledge Test Volume" and the questionnaire of influencing factors were distributed to them.To investigate the knowledge of nosocomial infection control in ICU nurses.Results: The total score of nosocomial infection control knowledge of ICU nurses was (75.91±16.04). The investigation and analysis showed that the mastery of nosocomial infection control knowledge of ICU nurses was related to the condition of hospital training, the education level of nurses and the working years.Conclusion: The knowledge of nosocomial infection control of nursing staff in ICU is better, but the department needs to strengthen the professional knowledge training of nursing staff, refine the content of nosocomial infection control knowledge, implement the hierarchical training for nursing staff with different education background, and actively play the exemplary role of senior nursing staff.
ICU;护理人员;医院感染知识;掌握情况;影响因素;优化措施 ICU; nursing staff; hospital infection knowledge; grasp situation; influencing factors; optimization measures
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