医务人员中使用智能和非智能手机致病菌携带率对比分析 Comparative Analysis of Pathogenic Bacteria Carrying Rate between Intelligent and Non-intelligent Mobile Phones in Medical Personnel




赵大鹏,Dapeng Zhao,张 莉,Li Zhang
目的:比较医务人员中智能手机和非智能手机之间具有致病潜力的细菌污染率。方法:对本院的医务人员进行问卷调查,内容设计既包括人口统计学因素也包括手机使用的个人习惯因素。对手机上培养出的微生物进行了鉴定和抗生素敏感性实验。结果:在参与实验的216部手机表面都鉴定培养出细菌,在其中的63部(29.2%)手机中分离出潜在的致病菌。尽管所有的手机都能分离出细菌菌株,但潜在的致病菌更容易从智能手机中分离出来(智能手机VS非智能手机,35.9%vs22.3%,P=0.03)。结论:医护人员的智能手机比非智能手机受到具有致病潜力的细菌污染。 Objective: To compare the bacterial contamination rates between smart phones and non-smart phones in medical workers.Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted among medical staff in our hospital. The content design included both demographic factors and personal habits of mobile phone use.Microorganisms cultured on mobile phones were identified and tested for antibiotic sensitivity.Results: Bacteria were identified and cultured on the surface of 216 cell phones, and potential pathogens were isolated from 63 of them (29.2%).Although bacterial strains can be isolated from all mobile phones, potential pathogens are more likely to be isolated from smartphones (smartphones vs non-smartphones,35.9% vs 22.3%, P=0.03).Conclusion: The smart phones of medical workers are contaminated by bacteria with pathogenic potential than non-smart phones.
医务人员;手机;病菌携带 Medical personnel; cell phone; pathogen carrying
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