多元化护理在老年ICU综合征患者中的应用进展 Application of multi-nursing in elderly patients with ICU syndrome




陈艳萍,Yanping Chen,李 红,Hong Li,田仁红,Renhong Tian,康 丹,Dan Kang,董应霞,Yingxia Dong,代焦焦,Jiaojiao Dai
疾病和治疗对患者而言都会造成强烈的身心负担,因此在治疗期间具备多种不良反应及并发症的可能性,一旦发生会极大的增加患者治疗痛苦,严重时甚至可能危害到患者的生命及预后,因此护理工作的综合性较强,除完成各项常规的治疗活动外,还需要对治疗期间的各种不利于患者恢复的危险因素予以纠正,对发生各种不良事件进行处理,从而在确保治疗效果的基础上尽可能的提升治疗的质量。老年患者由于机体功能减退较为严重,因此出现并发症的概率也相对较高,尤其是ICU老年患者更是高危群体,其中老年ICU综合征便较为常见,如何改善这一情况也成为了临床上积极探索的问题,本文主要就多元化护理在老年ICU综合征患者中的应用进展进行综述。 The disease and treatment will cause a strong physical and mental burden on the patient, so there are many kinds of adverse reactions and complications during the treatment. Once they occur, they will greatly increase the patient’s treatment pain and may even endanger the patient’s life and prognosis. Therefore, the comprehensive nursing work is strong. In addition to completing various routine treatment activities, it is also necessary to correct various dangerous factors that are not conducive to the patient’s recovery during the treatment, and deal with various adverse events, so as to improve the treatment quality as much as possible on the basis of ensuring the treatment effect.Due to the serious hypofunction of the elderly patients, the probability of complications is relatively high, especially the elderly patients with ICU is a high-risk group, in which the elderly ICU syndrome is more common, how to improve this situation has also become a clinical problem of active exploration. This article mainly reviews the application of diversified nursing in the elderly ICU syndrome patients.
多元化护理;老年ICU综合征;应用进展 Diversified nursing care; Senile ICU syndrome; Application progress
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