口腔护理在老年管饲患者肺部二重真菌感染预防中的作用 The role of oral care in the prevention of pulmonary fungal infection in elderly patients with tube feeding




田仁红,Renhong Tian,李 红,Hong Li,陈艳萍,Yanping Chen,杨 芸,Yun Yang,康 丹,Dan Kang,尹灿灿,Cancan Yin
目的:探究口腔护理在老年管饲患者肺部二重真菌感染预防中的作用,为后期的护理工作提供建设性意见。方法:在我科随机选择近两年接诊的老年管饲患者80例,将选中的老年患者随机分成两组,一组作为对照组,另外一组为实验组,每组分别40例。对照组的患者进行肺部二重真菌感染的常规护理工作,实验组除了进行常规的护理工作之外,还应该增加口腔护理,即用碳酸氢钠溶液对口腔进行冲洗,通常所选用的碳酸氢钠溶液的浓度为25%。15d后将两组的肺部真菌感染情况进行比较,并得出结论。结果:实验组的老年管饲患者肺部感染真菌的概率明显低于对照组的患者,各项护理效果均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:用碳酸氢钠溶液对老年管饲患者进行口腔护理,对肺部二重真菌感染具有极好的预防作用,值得在医学上进行推广。 Objective: To explore the role of oral nursing in the prevention of pulmonary fungal infection in elderly patients with tube feeding, and to provide constructive suggestions for the later nursing work.Methods:80 aged patients who received tube feeding in recent two years were randomly divided into two groups: control group and experimental group.Patients in the control group received routine nursing care for pulmonary fungal infection. In the experimental group, in addition to routine nursing care, oral care should be added, i.e., the oral cavity should be washed with sodium bicarbonate solution, and the concentration of sodium bicarbonate solution is usually 25%.After 15 days, the pulmonary fungal infections in the two groups were compared and conclusions were drawn.Results: The probability of pulmonary fungal infection in the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P <0.05).Conclusion: The sodium bicarbonate solution has a good preventive effect on pulmonary epiphyte infection and is worthy to be popularized in medicine.
老年管饲患者;口腔护理;真菌感染 Senile patients; oral care; fungal infection
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