黄尧佳,Yaojia Huang,林 梦,Meng Lin
目的:了解临床护理教师教学培训需求并分析相关因素,为制订合理的师资培训计划提供依据。方法:自行设计教学培训需求问卷,抽取来自全国73名各科室临床护理教师进行问卷调查。结果:临床护理教师喜欢的培训频率是半年一次(38.4%)或一年一次(32.9%),最希望得到培训的内容是:教学计划制定(71.2%)、授课技巧(68.5%)、教学方法(61.6%),喜欢的培训方式是:案例分析(79.5%)、经验交流(79.5%)、情景模拟(78.1%)、教学观摩(76.7%)、小组协作学习(72.6%),最喜欢的培训考核方式是小组考试(89.0%),培训内容中的教学管理、教学科研方法、教学方法、PPT课件制作、信息技术的教学应用、授课技巧与学历、职称、护理工作年限及教学工作年限有一定的相关关系(P<0.05)。结论:护理师资培训的培训频次不宜过多,课程设置应考虑教师背景,按需设置,培训及考核方式应多样化,注重教师学习的主动性及积极性。 Objective: To understand the teaching and training needs of clinical nursing teachers and analyze the relevant factors, so as to provide the basis for formulating a reasonable teacher training plan.Methods:73 clinical nursing teachers from different departments in China were investigated by self-designed questionnaire.Results: The training frequency of clinical nursing teachers was half a year (38.4%) or once a year (32.9%). The most desirable training contents were teaching plan formulation (71.2%), teaching skills (68.5%) and teaching methods (61.6%). The preferred training methods were case analysis (79.5%), experience exchange (79.5%), scenario simulation (78.1%), teaching observation (76.7%) and group cooperative learning (72.6%). The most preferred training method was group examination (89.0%).The teaching management, teaching and scientific research methods, teaching methods, PPT courseware making, teaching application of information technology, teaching skills in training contents were related to education background, professional title, nursing working years and teaching working years (P <0.05).Conclusion: The training frequency of nursing teachers training should not be too much, the curriculum should consider the background of teachers, should be set according to needs, the training and assessment methods should be diversified, pay attention to the initiative and enthusiasm of teachers.
临床护理教师;培训需求;调查 Clinical nursing teachers; training needs; investigation
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