A Comparative Study on Biomechanics of Men’s Tennis Forehand with Straight-Arm and Flexed-Arm




Wenyu Liu,Bei Wu,Yongmin Choi
This paper compares bio-mechanical data of forehand straight-arm and flexed-arm strokes of tennis players. This comparative analysis was performed by a high-speed camera combined with myoelectric acquisition and analysis of joint angles and root mean square and muscle EMG of forehand straight-arm and forehand flexed-arm strokes of subjects (8 tennis players) recorded by a high-speed digital motion analysis system (IDT) and Noraxon myoelectric analysis system. contribution data. It was found that the straight-arm stroke had a faster rotation speed than the flexed-arm stroke (P<0.05) and showed similar characteristics in terms of ball velocity; the brachioradialis muscle had the highest root mean square standardized value throughout the action phase of both stroke types, while the biceps, triceps and wrist extensors had the lowest root mean square standardized value. During the swing and hitting phase, the muscle contribution of wrist flexors was higher in the straight-arm stroke than in the flexion-arm stroke (P<0.05), while the muscle contribution of biceps and triceps was higher in the flexion-arm stroke than in the straight-arm stroke (P<0.05). This means that the straight-arm stroke method has higher stroke quality; the straight-arm stroke method uses the wrist joint more during the stroke, while the flexor arm stroke method uses the elbow joint more during the stroke; when hitting the ball with the forehand, the wrist extensor and flexor muscles do more work, but the muscle recruitment ability is relatively weak, which may produce athletic fatigue and risk of injury, and the risk of injury is greater when hitting the ball with the forehand straight arm than with the flexor arm, so the training of the wrist muscles should be strengthened when practicing the forehand.
tennis forehand, straight arm striking, flexed arm striking, joint angle, surface electromyography
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