Xuejiao Xie
This study aims to clarify the current status and challenges of artistic activities in Japanese facilities for disabled individuals. It explores how art serves as a means for self-expression and social participation for the disabled, and provides a detailed analysis of the execution, challenges, and potential improvements from the perspectives of both the disabled and the facility staff.Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven welfare professionals who organize or have experience in artistic activities in disability facilities. The data obtained were analyzed using the Grounded Theory Approach. The analysis identified nine key categories including methods of conducting artistic activities, challenges faced by staff and participants, attitudes towards the commercialization of art, and unique aspects of these activities.The study reveals that artistic activities play a crucial role in promoting freedom of expression and social inclusion for the disabled, despite facing internal and external challenges. However, limitations in the quality and continuity of these activities due to a lack of support structures, shortage of professional instructors, and societal prejudices were identified. Based on these findings, specific recommendations are made to enhance the quality of artistic activities for the disabled and to facilitate their greater participation in society.These results provide valuable insights for improving artistic activities in welfare facilities and offer policy makers and program designers information that can reassess the social and cultural value of art activities for the disabled
disability art programs, social inclusion, grounded theory approach, barriers in artistic activities, professional development in art therapy
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