Metacognitive Pathways of Social Media Influence on Adolescent Literature Reading Psychology -- The Dream of the Red Chamber as an example




Huan Xu,Wei Zheng,Zilu Li
Literature is the fetching material for reading, which plays an important role in guiding the aesthetic education of adolescents. Literature appreciation ability is one of the core qualities of the language discipline of the new curriculum standard, and it is also an important way to enhance the transmission of Chinese civilization among adolescents. With the development of science and technology, social media reading has gradually become an important part of the diverse reading styles of adolescent groups. In this study, the metacognitive mechanism of adolescents' literary reading psychology is explained from the perspective of social media's influence on adolescents' literary reading psychology, so as to help adolescents correctly utilize social media for literary reading, and then to enhance the core literacy of the language discipline.
social media, metacognition, The Dream of the Red Chamber, core literacy
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