Research on Non-English Major Vocational College Students' Perceptions of Improving Vocabulary through Watching English Short Videos




Jiawen Yu
Under the background of information-based teaching, educators and second language or foreign language educators have begun to pay attention to the integration of various media into English teaching, including watching short videos, listening to music, watching movies, and using other entertainment-related learning materials. Despite such attention, there has been little progress in understanding the views on the benefits and limitations of using English short videos to improve language skills. This study targets 203 non-English major vocational first-year students, using quantitative research methods to explore learners' benefits and challenges in improving vocabulary through the use of English short videos. The research tool includes a Likert five-point scale questionnaire. The results show that English short videos significantly promote an increase in students' vocabulary, thereby improving learning outcomes. In addition, the results also show that students have a positive attitude towards using English short videos in learning. The study also provides suggestions for teachers and learners on how to effectively use English short videos.
Information-based teaching, English short videos, Vocational education, Vocabulary enhancement, Quantitative research
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