Xiaoxi Ding,Jikun Lyu2
With the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous deepening of the education system reform, vocational education has gradually become an important way of talent cultivation. However, under the current social and economic development situation, the school-running mode, teaching content and methods of vocational colleges are all facing severe challenges. This paper discusses the influencing factors of the development of vocational colleges, as well as the historical evolution, achievements, and future transformational development issues of vocational colleges. It proposes corresponding transformational development strategies such as the construction of a "dual-qualified" teacher team, deepening the integration of industry and education, building a modern apprenticeship system for characteristic specialties, creating "Luban Workshops", and strengthening international exchanges. This has an important reference role in promoting the transformational development of vocational education.
Expansion and Quality Enhancement; Vocational Colleges; School Transformation
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