Dan Li
Objective This study aims to explore the influence mechanism of psychological resilience in the relationship of personality traits and anxiety level by examining the effects of psychological resilience in different personality traits on anxiety levels. Methods Five personality scale, adolescent psychological resilience scale and state anxiety scale, and a questionnaire survey on 249 college students in a college in Yunnan province from April to June 2024, using psychological resilience as the intermediary variable in the influence mechanism of personality on anxiety level. Results Psychological resilience played a partial mediating role in the effect of neuroticism on anxiety level, accounting for 46.28% of the total effect, while the effect of externalization, conscientiousness, pleasure and openness on the total effect was 78.29%, 87.94%, 86.77% and 95.29%, respectively. Conclusion Psychological resilience plays a mediating role in the effect of anxiety levels, but not in different personality traits.
Personality traits; anxiety level; college students; psychological resilience; intermediary effect
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