The Relationship between Meaning in Life and Psychological Resilience among College Students: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Social Support




Shiyun Xu
This study randomly sampled 959 college students from an undergraduate university in Jiangsu Province by questionnaire survey. The relationship between college students' sense of meaning of life and mental toughness was explored by using the Psychological Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), the sense of Meaning of Life scale (MLQ), and the Perceived Social support Scale (PSSS). And the mediating mechanism of perceived social support in this relationship. The results showed that :(1) Internet addiction measured early predicted overall academic stress, sleep quality and self-control measured later; (2) Self-control could independently mediate the relationship between Internet addiction and academic stress; (3) Sleep quality and self-control could mediate the relationship between Internet addiction and academic stress. The results of this study suggest that sense of meaning in life is a significant direct predictor of psychological resilience, and this association mechanism can be further explained by perceived the mediating effect of social support. In educational practice, educational interventions to strengthen the sense of meaning of life and enhance individuals' subjective feelings and perceived of social support resources are important ways to effectively enhance mental toughness and promote individual mental health.
meaning in life; psychological toughness; perceived social support; mediating effect
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