Zhaonan Guo
Abstract: Objective To investigate the relationship between perceived class atmosphere and academic burnout, and to analyze the mediating role of discrimination perception.Methods 1492 college students were surveyed in April 2024, including academic burnout scale and college students discrimination perception questionnaire in April 2024.Results ① The perceived class atmosphere of college students was negatively correlated with academic burnout (r= -0.275, P <0.01), academic burnout and discrimination perception (r=0.437, P <0.01), and perceived class atmosphere was negatively correlated with discrimination perception (r= -0.468, P <0.01);② The results of the mediation effect test showed that discrimination perception played a partial mediation role between the perceived class atmosphere and academic burnout, with a mediation effect value of-0.133. Conclusion The perception of class atmosphere of college students can not only directly affect the academic burnout, but also affect the academic burnout of college students through discrimination perception.
Keywords: Perceptions of the class atmosphere; academic burnout; discrimination perception
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