The Relationship between Psychological Flexibility and Emotional Regulation in College Students: The Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy




Wang Qian
Abstract:In the past, insufficient attention was given to the positive psychological qualities of students.From a positive perspective, this study focuses on the psychological resilience that makes people stronger in adversity, the self-efficacy of emotion regulation that helps them exert the function of positive emotion expansion, and the psychological flexibility that helps individuals cope with changing situations. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 386 college students in a university, and the current situation and intermediary relationship test of their psychological resilience, self-efficacy of emotion regulation and psychological flexibility were analyzed by statistical software. The conclusions are as follows:The self-efficacy of college students emotional regulation plays an intermediary role between psychological flexibility and psychological resilience 84.07% of the effects of empirical avoidance on psychological resilience are caused by emotional regulation of self-efficacy Used; 88.5% of the effects of cognitive fusion on psychological resilience are through emotional regulation of self-efficacy.
Keywords: psychological flexibility; emotional regulation; self-efficacy; psychological resilience
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