A study on career success of art teachers in junior middle schools in Shenzhen, China




Liu Bing Yu,Lai Kuan Kong
Abstract: With the development of Chinese education, art education and art teachers begin to appear in the field of researchers' vision. Under the background of exam-oriented education, art education is marginalized whereby the career success of Chinese art teachers in junior middle schools is challenged. Thus, this study aims to examine the level of Chinese art teachers’ career success which currently under research. Through a questionnaire survey of art teachers in junior middle schools in Shenzhen, China, the results showed that art teachers generally perceive higher career success outside the school environment. This finding indicated that art teachers perceived having higher recognition outside the school. Meanwhile, findings also suggested that among the three dimensions of career success, job satisfaction scored the lowest. Based on the findings, this study suggests several strategies as to assist art teacher populations achieve higher career success.
Keywords:Career Success; Junior Middle School Art Teachers; Shenzhen; China
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