Presence in Virtual Simulation Learning Environments: Theoretical Foundations, Influencing Factors, and Educational Applications - A Systematic Review




Zhengqi Lyu,Xiaohui Zhang
Abstract: Virtual simulation technologies, such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), have become significant tools in the field of education, providing immersive and interactive learning experiences. Presence, a key factor within these virtual learning environments, is critical to enhancing learning outcomes. This study presents a systematic review of the theoretical foundations, influencing factors, and educational impacts of presence in virtual simulation learning environments. Firstly, the development of the concept of presence, Csikszentmihalyi's Flow Theory, and Sheridan's constructs of presence are discussed in detail. Secondly, multiple factors affecting presence are explored, including technological factors (e.g., quality of sensory input, system responsiveness), social factors (e.g., social presence, teaching presence), and individual and environmental factors (e.g., learner characteristics, physical learning environment). The findings indicate that presence significantly contributes to enhancing learning motivation, knowledge transfer, and emotional engagement. To improve presence in virtual simulation environments, this paper proposes several strategies, including improving the quality of sensory input, strengthening social interaction, designing engaging emotional experiences, and providing personalized learning pathways. Additionally, the study discusses the current limitations of research in this area, such as the neglect of individual differences and the lack of long-term studies, and suggests directions for future research. Overall, enhancing presence is essential for optimizing the educational outcomes in virtual simulation learning environments.
Keywords: Presence; Virtual Simulation; Educational Technology
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