Lixing Zhao,Suyu Chang
Abstract: Primary and secondary science education plays a pivotal role in cultivating high-quality, innovative talent and advancing national scientific and technological innovation. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, primary and secondary science education has undergone significant transformations: from limited to open educational spaces, from singular to diverse content expansion, from single to multi-participant roles, and from traditional media to varied intelligent carriers. These changes have enriched the forms and substance of science education, enhancing interactivity and personalization. However, current primary and secondary science education still faces multiple challenges, including a trend toward the virtualization of learning spaces, imbalances in content adaptability, and a lack of diversity in evaluation systems, all of which limit educational effectiveness. Therefore, this paper proposes constructing “integrated virtual-reality” learning environments, designing “precisely tailored” educational content, and establishing a “multidimensional” evaluation system. These strategies aim to comprehensively reshape primary and secondary science education, enhance students' scientific literacy, support the cultivation of innovative scientific and technological talent, and lay a strong foundation for future technological competitiveness.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Primary and Secondary Education; Science Education; Educational Reshaping
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