Comparative Analysis of Suspense Films in China, Japan, and South Korea: A Case Study of The Devotion of Suspect X

ISSN:3029 2360



Mengjiao Li
Abstract: Filmmakers from China, Japan, and South Korea have adapted Keigo Higashino’s novel The Devotion of Suspect X to cater to the aesthetic preferences of their respective audiences based on their unique cultural and aesthetic sensibilities. The Japanese version emphasizes the portrayal of a low-desire society, depicting the collapse of rationality and tendencies towards self-destruction among individuals. In contrast, the South Korean adaptation capitalizes on the filmmakers’ expertise in secular romantic themes, highlighting the lyrical aspects of the story to appeal to the audience’s pursuit of harmony, thus rendering the narrative more secularized. Meanwhile, the Chinese rendition of The Devotion of Suspect X amalgamates various elements from different genres under the premise of cultural inclusivity, catering to the diverse aesthetic preferences of the audience and reflecting a postmodern sensibility.
Keywords: narrative power, cinematic techniques, viewer psychology, spatial dynamics, suspense films
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