Rural China under the Magical Realism: An Interpretation of Living State of Subaltern in Hello! Mr. Tree

ISSN:3029 2360



Puqiu Wei
This essay will focus on two themes. The first is the influence of western modernist consciousness and Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude on introducing magical realism into Chinese literature, and discusses the impact of this emerging aesthetic school on the traditional realism theory. The second is the rise of "Root-Seeking Literature" in China's rural narrative, which is combined with the 2011 film Hello! Mr. Tree. This essay will analyze the formation of the marginal status of Shu, the protagonist of the film, from the perspective of social economy and culture, and with the help of Spivak's research on subaltern, try to point out the challenges faced by rural youth in China's rapidly changing economic landscape.
Magical Realism, Hello! Mr. Tree, Traditional Realism, Rural China
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