The Influence of Maritime Activities on the Development Trajectories of Eastern and Western Cultures

ISSN:3029 2360



Yifan Guo
This paper aimed to investigate the impact of maritime activities on the developmental trajectories of Eastern and Western cultures and explore their significance in cross-cultural communication and understanding. By reviewing the history of maritime activities from ancient to modern times and integrating the research findings of relevant historians and cultural scholars, the importance of maritime activities as vehicles for cultural dissemination, the relationship between maritime technology and cultural exchange, and the dialogue and fusion of maritime cultures between East and West were analyzed. The study found that maritime activities not only facilitated economic prosperity but also profoundly influenced cultural development, promoting exchange and fusion between Eastern and Western cultures. However, maritime cultural exchange also brought challenges and conflicts, necessitating vigilance against cultural conflicts and hegemony. Through comparison and dialogue, cross-cultural communication and understanding can be promoted, leading to the establishment of a more harmonious and equitable world.
Maritime activities; cultural development; cross-cultural communication; dialogue and integration
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