On the Chinese Internet Buzzword “Da Zi” from the Perspective of Sociolinguistics

ISSN:3029 2360



Fuhong Wang
With the development of science and technology and the progress of society, people are using social software more and more to communicate and obtain information, and numerous buzzwords have entered our lives, “Da Zi” is one of them. When you want to go out to travel or eat food, a “partner” can be solved, people do not need to maintain emotional relationships, do not need to communicate with people, this social relationship is popular among young people. The word “Da Zi” is closely related to sociolinguistics, and its meaning has evolved from a jacket at the beginning to the present “partner”, which has a certain register. People use this hot word on the Internet to express their identification with “Da Zi” and facilitate talking about common topics with people. The partner is important, but the safety issue can not be ignored.
Da Zi; Internet buzzword; sociolinguistics
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