Shuting Liu
The economy of the society in the present generation is becoming more and more advanced.This cannot be disconnected from the fact that the entertainment which the spirit provides is also becoming increasingly advanced. Education and learning are among the topical issues in society that is dynamic. In this paper, education and learning are taken as two related and mutually supporting concepts. It is possible to suggest that Cognitivism’s learning theory would provide a new approach to the issue of education and would enable providing a thorough analysis of the possibilities of improving student guidance and learning in an independent manner. This paper looks at cognitivism in relation to education by evaluating existing literature; delineating what cognitivism believes to be crucial to learning; and detailing the theory’s background. It also presents teachers new ideas on how they can assist children to learn. At the meantime, under the analysis of the learning theory adopting the cognition found in the article, it will also reinforce the reader’s appreciations of cognitivism and let the reader know how to improve the learning efficiency and maintain the learning status.
Cognitivism; Educational perspective; Self-improvement
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