Feiyi Wang
Lu Xun,a great litterateur,thinker and revolutionist of contemporary China who is also honored as our“National Soul”by the Chinese people.He used pen as his weapon to fight against the dark era he lived in,and during this process he produced many articles and essays that have been past or read by Chinese people from generations to generations.Besides essays and articles,his poems are also influential to the whole nation and even to the world though they are not so many in number.As Lu Xun’s influence in the world become greater and greater,more and more scholars and experts from both China and foreign countries try to translate his articles and poems into other foreign languages.Among various English versions of“Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry,this essay will choose W.J.F.Jenner’s version,Jon Eugene von Kowallis’version and Huang Xinqu’s version to do comparative study.Meanwhile,this study will be carried out in the theory of domestication and foreignization.In the theory of domestication and foreignization,the role of the original author and target readers are different:Domestication is an reader-oriented translation strategy,Foreignization is an author-oriented translation strategy.Through comparative study,it’s not difficult to find that there must be their own characteristics in the selection of translation strategies.Therefore,this essay will do comparative studies of three English versions of the translation of“Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry”based on the theory of domestication and foreignization from lexical,syntactical and rhetorical aspects to give an elaborate analysis,three translations of the same original poem will be chosen as an example to do comparative studies from one aspect.In the end the conclusion is drawn that during translation process,translators should try to combine domestication with foreignization.In this way not only the national features are remained in the translated version but also the translations can be easily accepted by target readers.
Lu Xun’s Classical-style Poetry; Domestication; Foreignization; Version Comparison
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