Cross border Integration and Innovation Path of Graphic Design in the New Media Environment

ISSN:3029 2360



Zihang Xiong
With the rapid advancement of new media technology, traditional graphic design is gradually entering an innovative path of cross-border integration. Graphic design is no longer limited to traditional visual expression, but has achieved innovation in multiple dimensions such as digitization, interaction, and experience through integration with new media, technology, art, and other fields. This article explores the current research status of cross-border integration in graphic design under the new media environment at home and abroad, and summarizes the changes brought by new media technology to graphic design concepts and technology cooperation models. On this basis, an innovative path for graphic design across multiple platforms and fields is proposed, and how designers can achieve a balance between innovative thinking and practical operation in the context of rapid technological development is explored.
new media environment; Graphic Artist Designer; Cross border integration; Innovation path; User experience
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